FoL Feedback Thread

That might help

We fixed the issue

Has no more ā€˜impossibleā€™ win scenarios if you whiff bastard sword since you can still execute them
the fol mods wanted to force them on wagon but that just makes inq want to be on every wagon that goes through

which is ~fine
but it has the wacky scenario of playing inq being suffering if you canā€™t be around for EoD

I have tried for several hours about 3 months ago to convince the rest of the team to allow me to slide in objectively the dumbest shit

there were exactly 0 other changes

mfw when I get it slightly wrong and can no longer play the video game

also king can be heretic

Inq has to learn their exact class, which means theyā€™ll know what king it is at the start and who to insta kill

you can still play the video game
all you have to do is manipulate your friends through careful wordplay and sneaky tactics to execute one of the heretics

you mean three

oh yeah
you basically just hard side at that point to get those players killed

theres no starting king


that doesnt change a lick of what I said

oh king just doesnā€™t exist

No people crown them day 2 by popular vote

you know what I meant

Does inq know if their targets role changes?

No, they only have to guess their starting class. So if they get converted or Kinged it dont matter

Allow geyde to add their ideas #debaet

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