FoL Feedback Thread

Actually the idea of Alch being JOAT who hasn’t a goal to just SURVIVE is quite appropriate, but I’m not sure if it would fit a win condition like Survive to see BD losing the game


Maybe like “Create an Unltimate Potion” or something like that.

I like Alch JOAT if the invest abil is replaced with redirection or something else.

And you’re gathering recipients which you can make different types of potions,

IMO, I’d like if the Alch had the same wincon as my Senex idea. He’s 50-50 either locked in with BD requiring them to win or against them, requiring them to lose while removing the survival element and SS for balance. Survivors are in general just braindead and frustrating to play as.

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You make good points, but on the other hand,


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:skull: rip me


Neutral Killer

Wall of Nature (Passive) - You are immune to death at night.

Spread Vines (Day) - Root a player’s room. All players with roots in their room investigate as having vines in their room as well as their usual result. You do not have roots in your room, they are too well hidden. (Infinite uses)

Mark of the Wild (Day) - If the target player is not dead by the beginning of the next day, you gain a use of Nature’s Judgement. It is announced who you target with this ability… (Infinite uses, 1 day cooldown)

Constricting Vines (Night) - Kill a player. (infinite uses)

Nature’s Judgement (Night) - Kill all rooted players bypassing immunity. (0 uses)
NK goal

bam druid’s playable finally

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it allows us to have a Sorcerer as well as my baby rubs Druid in a slightly creepy way all in one


Why does mark of the wild need to be announced?

the whole idea was “Do you kill this guy to stop the Druid getting kills off or do you risk Druid killing tonight?”

Doesn’t that make Electrocutioner lose it’s Niche tho?

If we do this
I’d rather just remove druid and replace it with exactly ToL’s sorcerer

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my Druid’s all grown up and is becoming a sorcerer
(honestly sorc would be a bit too powerful for FoL as it is- i’d much rather have it have something like Mark of The Wild as a condition for activating their bombs or something)

Just call it Sorcerer tbh

Back when Sorc had Circle of Death is would have been better to just call Demon Sorcerer

The same is true now with Druid

but orange i want to pretend it’s my idea

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Add Arsonist

And Werewolf and Serial Killer while we’re at it.

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Anyways @Marluxion I’m not the biggest fan of marking people but I do think just straight Sorcerer would be a tad much

Worth testing though, definitely do that and then nerf it to the Druid if necessary imo

Straight sorcerer is still weaker than our reaper and electro imo