FoL Feedback Thread

That or neutral special

But that makes princess/maid a hardcounter

Also I suggest alch having 2 wincons.

Kill 2 BD and 2 Unseen/Cult (for this. Just add 1 more use to emerald potion)
Kill one member from every faction (current wincon)

Having to kill a neut relies on rng

Two unseen or cult could never happen as arenā€™t always possible to find

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Yeah but at least itā€™s less rng based

I randomly had the idea to poll NK stuff (this isnā€™t specifically for making changes to them, just thought it would be neat & this is an established thread and all), so:

Which NK do you believe is the strongest?

  • Demon
  • Druid
  • Electrocutioner
  • Possessor
  • Reaper

0 voters

Which NK do you believe is the weakest?

  • Demon
  • Druid
  • Electrocutioner
  • Possessor
  • Reaper

0 voters

Which NK do you like playing the most?

  • Demon
  • Druid
  • Electrocutioner
  • Possessor
  • Reaper

0 voters

Which NK do you like playing the least?

  • Demon
  • Druid
  • Electrocutioner
  • Possessor
  • Reaper

0 voters

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The answer to everything is reaper.


[visible confusion] :^)

Oh and of course a lot of people probably havenā€™t played most (or even any) NKs so those questions may as well be interpreted as which would you like to play the most/least


Druid needs buff imo

Druid needs mega buff

I honestly disagree, it has the power to be really powerful with some setup, and doesnā€™t have the problems the older version of druid has

Of course, itā€™s still weaker than Reaper/Poss which is a problem

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The day ability is useless just allows for POE and plus the passive is harmful


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I think we could give them more consistent KPN rather than just full on deleting

bad hippo

If design is inherently flawed nothing wrong with suggesting to remove it in favour of an NK with an interesting and balanced basis.

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time to make my volcano-themed NK then :wink:

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The Electrocutioner does everything the Druid does but better

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wheras before the electro change it was exactly the opposite

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