FoL Feedback Thread

Alright this may or may not be a bad implementation but I just want a volcano themed NK and I thought of something for it that uses the player list (aka based on join order) as a kill mechanic:

The Magmaborn

Neutral Killer
Made of Lava (Passive) - You are immune to death at night, occupation and target changing.
Poweful Eruption (Day) - If you use Krakatoa! tonight, it will attack the player above and below the marked player regardless of dead players in between. - 2 uses
Tremors (Night) - You bring magma near the surface underneath the target player, marking them. - Infinite uses, can only have one marked player at a time
Krakatoa! (Night) - You attack the player you marked with Tremors, and the player directly above and below them in the player list, if they are alive. - Infinite uses

So normally, Krakatoa would work like this if Fred was marked:

  1. Jim
  2. Bob (dead) - Dead, so not hit
  3. Fred - Hit
  4. Mary - Hit
  5. Susan (dead)

However, if Powerful Eruption was used:

  1. Jim - Hit
  2. Bob (dead) - Skipped
  3. Fred - Hit
  4. Mary - Hit
  5. Susan (dead)

Basically it has a lot of early game power but as time goes on it gets weaker because there are gaps in the player list from the scum factionā€™s kills too and you only get 2 powerful eruptions (which maybe should only be one? dunno).


Also anyone who says all of my class suggestions have thinly veiled innuendos is a liar :^)

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What if you mark someone at the top or bottom of the player list?

It would loop around I think (only for top and bottom that is, not past dead players)

I guess itā€™s consistent enough?

but the RNG that you donā€™t control all the kills makes it less consistent than Reaper or Possessor

Maybe if it had a Day Ability that enabled double targeting so that it wouldnā€™t be as hindered in the late game it might be better

itā€™s not rng



you choose what pair of people are attacked
thatā€™s choice
not random

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I mean like Unseen and Cult kills

they conflict with the maximum efficiency of this class

that applies to any nk

alright you got me

besides like demon

but demon is a basic bitch who doesnā€™t take shit from any unseen or cultist

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The class seems highly gimmicky but also fun
and i like the concept a lot


albeit druid isnā€™t much competition

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gimmick classes are best classes :^)
and who doesnā€™t want to volcano people to death :^)

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I may or may not have had to google what Krakatoa means

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The Krakatoa eruption was so wild though, itā€™s insane

with earthquakes felt as far away as Australia.

The eruption is estimated to have reached 310 dB, loud enough to be heard clearly 5,000 kilometres (3,100 mi) away. It was so powerful that it ruptured the eardrums of sailors 64 km (40 miles) away

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