FoL Feedback Thread

How about changing Alch’s name to “Puppy”. People will think twice before hanging a puppy.


*more safer

The fact is alch will betray you in a heart beat if you lose majority, killing them gets rid of a neutral and allows you to hang someone else

Except me.

Then change the reward so its not as safe but its still good enough.

no the reward is the whole point so they don’t claim

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Also I just realized if alch had a reward like that fool’s winrate would become 100%. Just claim alch and get a free win.

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The whole point of Bountied Target is so Alch doesn’t out and side with BD automatically and instead can play the game

Still, I think alch should have the option of outing, just that it shouldn’t be the go-to strat.


Alch outing isn’t fun at all

actually let’s up the reward of lynching an alch


the reward is too BD sided make evils get something too

Alch outting D1 is the most carcinogenic in existence, made worse by the fact it is clearly optimal to win but super unfun.

Don’t you see the part about the killer?

The lynch part is too BD sided

that’s the whole point

Imo 1 use nightshade is way better than heals

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No literally it hurts scum so much


then the first 3 accusers and the hammerer

Can somebody please ping me when next time somebody come up with idea buffing BD for no reason? Thanks.

No reason?