FoL Feedback Thread

I don’t see a problem with it

No, it literally allows BD to execute another person

yeah, no penalty for lynching an alch

Do you want D1 Alch reveal strats to come back Litten

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In some random scenario while Extra Lynch works every time. This is literally does not seem equal.

Scum don’t want scum lynched

Lynching a neutral is better then lynching scum in scum eyes

This defeats the purpose

then I say that at least the hammer and accuser should also gain healing + death immunity that night if they’re not going to gain an extra lynch that day from lynching alch

I disagree actually. I think nighshade is enough. If the alchs killee gains too many benefits it will become super super swingy.

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And thats coming from me who has been asking for a reward for killing alch in FoL for well over a year now


Can be more simpler like “Evils/NK will know the exact class of first two accusers” or something like that?

Purposely killing Alch to get Frenzy isn’t that beneficial especially they can protect themselves.

what about if alch is lynched?

but lynching alch is supposed to benefit BD, because there’s no way to get rid of them except for Prince to jail + exe which is also a bit of a waste

Alchemist doesn’t count as threat in other words if you’re purposely killing Alch just for sake of killing you may as well say you want pull an misslynch.

I kinda feel bad for alch now that I think about it

Im not talking about outing D1. Im talking about outing yourself as alch in general. The whole problem is not on alch itself but in survivor classes as a whole. Putting a reward may work but its just like slapping a band-aid to it, you are forcing players to kill a class that may want to side with them. For alch to work as a survivor class, he needs a way to harm the BD besides two kills that he may or may not use.

Can we just admit that there’s pretty much no place for a survivor-like class in FoL?


People need to hang alch for fear of betrayal, not just because an ability says so.

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Alch currently has no reason to betray BD until they lose majority. Alch needs an incentive so that siding with scum from the start is a viable option.

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Guys I feel bad for alch now it’s too much


Swithching its wincon to a Warlock-like would do wonders IMO.

Kingmaking Scenarios… :sleeping:

Funfact: During any FoL/SFoL matches Neutral NEVER betrayed BD. The End.