FoL Feedback Thread

Sixth it or riot

But the matchmaking is basically Parity Cop thing.

At least, with extra rules.

But I seventh

But parity cop has to visit each person in tow, one at a time

if Maid becomes chain parity though I would suggest getting rid of all the royal incompatible stuff in exchange for becoming way less OP


Agreed, results should be accurate. Neutrals should be compatible if goals do not conflict


Inb4 finds cult leader and Druid N2

then they’ll be different

It can’t check two at once. Only one.

Ninja edit

I just realized my logic was flawed

Inb4 they find invoker and cult leader N2

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do you know what chain parity cop is

yes. Checks a person to see if they are of the same alignment

okay :+1:

basically I’m suggesting Echoes’ Cavalier

Paladin finds one cult and then maid compares that cult with another cult while occupying that cult

Wait no that’s not how it works

K I admit defeat

it’s ok

Pats head

There there. You’ll be fine

if so will you take the bomb off me?

Only if you claim