FoL Feedback Thread

Only because you get ordered n1 every game :smirk:



oof 1.4k unread messages

and i can’t read any more because i was king in hippo’s roast game

Go back where you were :smile_cat:

Still ordering you :smirk:

That’s exactly why I’m executing you N1 as prince

Then u dumb

Nah, probably apostle.

Look man, if I ever roll a role that gives vote negation, I’m using it on you. Change my mind

Okay I’ll just kill you :man_shrugging:
Also I’m a cat

What if I use ‘Cat Away!’ spray?

nope I’ll just cry while murdering you

I have 3 cats

I have 5



Aw cute, what are their names?

Jenks Autumn Sky gizmo and Sinatra

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I need pictures

no u :slight_smile: