FoL Feedback Thread

What feedback :^)

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i like the idea though
keep em coming


When Converted Chronomancer is alive, every Cultist who was lynched would come back to life next day.

Chronomancer is going to be Unique someday, mark my words.

This would be way more suited on this cult alt, so if you agree you could also try and find replacements for the Mystic cult alt. I understand that for balance purposes, it is better on the Mystic currently, because they are outed almost instanty when converted.

Which is why we needā€¦MYSTIC REWORK. Or how it was called. :thinking:

We already had one!

The ā€œheck the kingā€ rework

plus ā€œWhy yell when you can whisperā€

First we need to delete alch

Make alch 2

Or just keep saturating the neut pool with anti-bd neuts until people donā€™t trust alch claims at all anymore

itā€™s advanced :^)


Merge Alch and phys :thinking:

But yeah, nice job Ashe.


Just asking whatā€™s the genius idea with this. Spend one cult point for a massive waste of a cult point. You donā€™t even get any infomation since they know you are actually not priest



I think the idea is to talk to dead cult members. Could be good if one of the best scum players is lynched early.

except revive is always better in that case, revive someone and they tell you what ur partner said

wait cult priest can revive people? wtf


But Soul catcher canā€™t and thatā€™s like WTF

It happened in SFoL31. The Prince was killed n1 as per usual and then revived as an Invoker n2.

which is stupid.

If anything unseen should be able to do that

So its not only a revive, its a convert+revive? :thinking:

mhm, And they say talking to the dead is too powerful