FoL Feedback Thread

Not really. :neutral_face:

As well as #quicklynchSolic

All he does is tunnel town so :man_shrugging:

slow lunch solic tho

Yeah really.

Yeah, you can slowly have lunch with him if you want.

Itā€™ll be his last meal anyway

Guys I signed a contract with solic to advocate slow lynch solic. Sorry

You signed a deal with the reaper? FeelsBadMan


Cool, Iā€™ll just never stop eating with him so itā€™s lunch forever

@Margaret Do you think Abstain vote should be added into FoL and why yes?

/order Firekitten

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Yes, make abstains count for the highest vote

More Changes:


New class added:

The Devil :shield:

Neutral Social
Second Chance (Passive) - Immune to death at night, once.
Informant (Day) - You learn the faction of your target at the end of the day. - 1 use
Frame (Night) - Make a target appear to be a member of the scum faction (Unseen or Cult) to investigations tonight. - Infinite uses
Trickery (Night) - If the target player is executed tomorrow, they will appear to be a chosen class. - 2 uses
See three Blue Dragon players executed, or survive to see the Blue Dragon defeated.

Note that the win condition is one or the other, they do not have to do both, and that the second win condition is different from SS/Warlock in that they must survive.
They become Evil/Devout King if crowned.


They are now immune to occupation and redirection on the night they use Revive. This also applies to Mithrasā€™ Puppet (the Revive Cult Alt).


New passive:

Among Friends (Passive) - Immune to death at night, once. This passive will not apply if attacked by a Blue Dragon player, however.

Note that the second half doesnā€™t mean that a Posessor using Puppet Strings on a BD player will pierce the immunity. It will still apply.


Now has the same Bind Soul as the Priest (gives them night immunity too).


Addition to Dark Magics (the addition is in italics):

Dark Magics (Passive) - You appear as a member of the Unseen or Cult (depending on which is present in the game) to investigations. Also, you are immune to death at night, once. This will not apply if attacked by a Blue Dragon player, however.


Additionally, I have a poll:

Should Soulcatcher get a revive ability similar to the Priestā€™s Cult Alt?

  • Heck yeah
  • Hell no

0 voters

The revive should be like 1 use of their abilities, or even none.

No accidental deaths for the Warlocks and Sellswords, eeeyyy

Priest/Ritualist gains the immunity for reviving.

When will the new NK added?

Contest isnā€™t over yet, I believe it ends on then 10th, so some time after that

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No the contest ends today, but the evaluation will take some time, scheduled to the 10th.

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Do you actually believe this? :thinking:

I can give you many examples to the contrary and I think my odds are quite average.

Why did we rename the Scofned

Scofned never exist before.