FoL Feedback Thread

It’s on off version of revenant the concept has been tested already, a small Druidism investigation change will not make a difference in the overall scheme of things

Unfixable my ass, if it’s a huge problem the easy fix is making lynches and prince exes go through the resurrection, and possibly recouping the lost power somewhere else in the class.

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Which part of ‘It hasn’t been tested in this form yet’ did you not understand :thinking:

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Which part of the concept has been tested have you not understood?

Which part of it hasn’t been tested in this form did you not understand?

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It’s the same thing with a small change, it’s been basically tested.

I legitimately can’t tell if you’re trolling or just dead-set on being ignorant lmao

Revenant has been in this forum and it’s basically the same thing with a small change

Small things can make a difference. As Ashe said, if it is still problematic, then it can be adjusted further.

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No I am upset, just saying if the Lich gets rolled I might replace out of that game

That would probably get you blacklisted.


No it’s not. The Lich can be occupied and leave associative tells.


Not to mention it’s an entirely different class with an entirely different core concept in design.

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You don’t understand, the Lich has no motivation to say anything, to leave any tells to begin with because they die when there targets die. So what is the point of leaving associative tells when it could easily be found and read?

Same concept. Can’t die unless target dies.

No it shouldn’t get me blacklisted, if people can replace out for inactivity then I should be able to replace out for anything

Except they’re still alive, can talk, can be occupied, can be jailed, etc etc

Well, Ashe literally just said if that sort of thing happens and is a problem they can change it so it can die to being lynched or Executed by Prince.

With the latter tbh should be the case by default. Even Reaper dies to that.

That is literally the worst thing I’ve ever heard
You should absolutely not be able to replace out for “anything”, especially because you dislike a class existing!