FoL Feedback Thread

Why would you dethrone it if you trusted them

Maybe you want to vote up a King you ā€˜confirmā€™ instead.

this idea is bad and the idea should feel bad.

mostly as itā€™s entirely always going to be used D2-D3

Maybe the deposed King could have something different about them, but I think it could still work.

Butler can poison King those days anyway. Iā€™d rather randomly be forced off the throne than sniped

I donā€™t.

Iā€™ll rather the butler die for his mistake

Youā€™d rather randomly die night 2?

Yes. Then the butler should get good.

Seems like it would just be used to get a better chance of a Good King on the throne tbh

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The real question is.

Do you prefer getting dethroned D2?

I think it should maybe citizenise the player who has this ability as a cost :thinking:

Butler can technically do that already.

lol what letā€™s make it not fun for the king and the player who used it. I legit think this is probably so anti fun

Just an idea :man_shrugging:

Not to mention

A king dethroner is super confirmable

How about: King elections take place immediately after a king is lynched? (Might not interact well in 6-5p scenarios but yknow)

that already happens

That legit already happens

After a king is lynched? It goes to night

No it doesnā€™t