The Possessor
Neutral Killer
Driven (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and target changing.
Blackened Shield (Passive) - You are immune to death at night.
Face Lift (Day) The next person to be killed by you will appear as a chosen class. - 3 uses across all Possesors
Puppet Strings (Night) - Control a player and force them to kill someone. They will not be notified that they were controlled and will be occupied, unless you caused them to target themself.
Possess (Night) - Use an unhealable attack on a player, if that player would die they will be converted to the Possessor class. You will suicide yourself on a successful attack. You will be able to talk to other Possessors but you wonāt be able to talk in the dead chat. - 2 uses across all Possesors.
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.