FoL Feedback Thread

lol it doesn’t for me

I mean the Signature is removed :thinking:

yes but I still see them and I can’t turn it off because of that

The setting is disabled but I had already checked the box

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Rest in peaceu.

Have you tried refreshing the page?


Hold up Im’a try restarting the browser entirely

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ok THAT worked lol

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Buff Electro, it’s EXTREMLY weak. Ideas:
Give electro bleed immunity.
Give them a day ability that investigates or occupies.
Make them bypass healing

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Electro isn’t weak

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Hjasik didn’t even charge someone twice
he no actioned

While Electro isn’t really weak imo I think what it might be missing is a rider ability, because even Demon has one :stuck_out_tongue:
Maybe give them a 2 use night ability that’s basically a PGO-style charge where all players who visit them become charged?

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Rider ability? :thinking:

like an extra ability that isn’t necessary per say but neat to have

What does Electro does?

Remove Trials Poll

Reasons stated in discord

[Someone edit a poll into this post I don’t know how]

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^ that

  • yee
  • naw

0 voters




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