FoL Feedback Thread

the point is to make it challenging so it’s fun.

but I did nerf the wincon so you only have to extract esscence once.

Predicting who will die once isn’t an insane wincon - I mean technically as long as it heals one person successfully, it never needs to since Crimson potion is only consumed if used on themselves or someone who didn’t require healing.

Although I don’t think it needs knife potion.

The majority of players wish to remove trials from FoL. Many abilities rely on them, but most are easily replaceable.

One ability in particular, the incredibly iconic king ability, seems to be the most problematic.

It is time to decide the fate of decide fate.

  • Replace Decide Fate with an entirely new day ability (Ideas below)
  • Remove Decide Fate entirely with no replacement
  • Replace Decide Fate with a similar ability that doesn’t rely on trials (once again, ideas below)

0 voters

Just have the flip delayed if decide fate still has a charge and the King can force pardon and the lynch cancelled.
Also allow the King to hammer a lynch if 1/3 living players, excluding themselves, vote someone. Done.

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Or simply, don’t use it in day 2 every time!

This is a pain in the butt for impatient players and hosts though

Also Secret Option 4 is removing the king entirely


But it stops a quick lynch while the King is asleep

Perhaps you can secretly choose a person to autohammer or autoveto

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Perhaps only delay a flip if the King has voted pardon or not yet voted at all :thinking:

So you say to the host “autohammer Moleland” and when he has the votes but not all the votes he dies

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Plus the vote discount

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Love you too baebee

that’s true
it’s the only way to make decide fate pardon work realistically.
but it’s still a pain in the butt

And do we think a random alignment executioner is a healthy class?

Isn’t it essentially what it is now? :thinking:

Kinda but not really
Keeping someone off trial is much easier to play around

In essence yes but in funtionality no

voting for pressure would be much riskier and likely cease to exist as a byproduct
