FoL Feedback Thread

It’ll make people more cautious to vote and random wagon which is a good thing imo

This is not a vanilla setup

that isn’t a good thing imo
it just slows down the game

Order firekitten

that wasn’t the point of the question

maybe make it that king can only instahanmer if 3/4 of majority gas been reached

3/5 imo

then it’s just a bad ability

either that or half

Actually make it 45% of votes rounded up

Don’t remove trials wtf

Half literally makes it dfe


We’re destroying the fol gamemode IMO

Also no shit like executioner cuz it removes all tactic of pressure votes

@Marluxion do an efol with the removal of trials and abilities related to trials

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I think trials are okay to he removed


Next we’ll remove king or something and this gamemode will literally be rolemadness and have nothing special about it


only conversion