FoL Feedback Thread

Do we have BD/Scum winrates?

not enough games played to really draw the line on that really :stuck_out_tongue:

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Our sample size is too small to take accurate statistics


quit stealing my lines :^)

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Whatever ruin this gamemode

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Trials made 0 difference in Towns loss in the previous game

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Literally if the you want a forum game without trials make a fm setup

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Weā€™ve covered this already
You donā€™t have a lot of argument fodder do you

Obvious changes :^)

Give King gladiator ability.
Remove royal pardon and df
Let Jiggs confirm dtilt into rest

Things we have to figure out :^)

Find another day ability for king.

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ā€œruinā€ it for the 3 people that still want them, and fix it for everyone else :wink:

This is literally becoming normal role madness fm

Itā€™s a conversion based rolemadness FM based on the game Throne of Lies with unique spins on mechanics
Thereā€™s more to it than trials yknow lol

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Thatā€™s what it always was


Conversion is not a special mechanic

Then you donā€™t have to play + propose your own SFOLs with Trials re-instated


Weā€™ve gone over this before

Trials arenā€™t, and never were, an essential part of FoL


Iā€™m aware
Thatā€™s the point Iā€™m making

Something something disable all day abilities for the rest of the day

Think maybe giving the king the ā€œIā€™m in control of this shizz mechanic sounds niceā€

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Infection will have trials

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Good for you