FoL Feedback Thread

Motion to allow King lynches before day 4


We should also implement some kind of Usurper class.

Baron probably

Just afraid people hanging the king D2

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Tbh Iā€™m unsure about Baron since they shouldnā€™t have the power to learn Kingā€™s alignment. It should just be impossible

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People in FoL know the risk.

We could implement something like current ToL Loyalty if we really need to.

Also taking Royal Blood makes their presence very clear.

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Then donā€™t use it if you donā€™t have to

Plus itā€™s still better than Greedy imo


Get ur queen outta here!

Also that assassin needs to be a thing ASAP.

Why!? She serves ice cream! :ice_cream:

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Okay she can stay.

What is Greedy?

Dama mentioned it on Discord

An old role

I take that it was not good?

It wanted to be King but had like no powers and no other purpose



New Poll.

Should the Unseen/Cultā€™s Night Chat also serve as a day chat?

  • Night chat only
  • Both night and day chat

0 voters

I pass on voting. I donā€™t have strong views either way rn