FoL Feedback Thread

Still spooked by the potential power of king with how DF was handled.

The most hype removal of a feature since old Inquisitorā„¢


yeah i think confirming phys is a bit too strong since scum canā€™t heal


scum can investigate, scum can occupy and scum can swap targets


Makes sense

I think it should also show Frame

Ability that can confirm of existence of certain classes is wellā€¦quite strong isnā€™t?

In early game, it can be very devastating especially if Evil Faction is Unseen. Despire the fact, there are classes like Warlock or Sellsword that in theory can make use of that, iā€™m not quite certain if i would like to see Blue Dragon winning by suddenly semi-confirming couple of people with more than 1 Noble, of course it isnā€™t very likely scenario.

In Late Game, ability isnā€™t that strong as there would less opportunites and may be hard to confirm somebody like Sheriff who didnā€™t find Unseen or like Court Wizard.

It depends if removing trials would benefit BD more than other factions. Otherwise itā€™s not a bad proposition.

There is no reason for that.

Yeah itā€™s not meant to be good late game. Nobles should aim to be king

Removing trials will be the final nail in the coffin of this gameā€¦ why would they do that?!

From FOL not TOL



Not Order, 0/10




Order is a Noble night ability that removes a personā€™s power to vote for one day. Popular meme is to Order Firekitten. :wink:

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will gossip receive a positive when mm is occ attempted?

why wouldnā€™t it

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what about protected?

Nope, evils canā€™t protect or heal