FoL Feedback Thread

A large group is not going to be able to push changes fast and will be stuck in arguing hell. We value feedback and input however and will do our best to incorporate it.

Overthrow the system! Yar! FInally a reason to riot!

Xed deleted.

What about Alfa tho

Alfa? Whoā€™s that? I donā€™t remember them at allā€¦itā€™s almost like they never talk in the community

Still weird that Geyde and Solic are suddenly in charge for reasons I literally donā€™t understand?


Yeah itā€™s why I want to revolt tbh

Wanna join?


Definitely confused though because as far as I know Moderator =/= FoL Team and vice versa

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Donā€™t think thereā€™s an fol team anymore tbh

Alfa is still the ā€œleaderā€ I thought

At the very least sheā€™s definitely our point of contact with other communities, which implies sheā€™s still lead on the FoL Team

I donā€™t even remember when the last time Alfa done anything


The distinction between moderator here doesnā€™t hold up anyways, because I was already working with Geyde before he got moderator. The FoL team left, so now weā€™re the new FoL team. We are open to input. Thatā€™s all I can say about it reallyā€¦

If you say why us, then I can say why not us? Somebody has to take up the mantle left behind.

And please say ā€¦ who else would/could do it, of the people who decided to not leave.

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Isaac me And margaret

actually Iā€™m still here
i donā€™t do anything buuuuuut Iā€™m still here


It just feels weird to go from one leadership group that kinda sorta made sense due to their early deep involvement to one that just kinda decided ā€œok weā€™re in charge nowā€, especially when two of the old people are still around.

Plus, again, I know for a fact that Alfa is still acting as a point of contact with other communities, and as Ici just said, heā€™s here too. Maybe a conversation needs to be had with the four of you to figure out what exactly is happening?

Beyond that, if we were hoping to overhaul the team, Iā€™d have expected more searching for people who are dedicated and know their stuff to help join. A two-person team is smaller than it has been since, like, FoL 1. There are people here who have been around for a long time, who really know their stuff, and who are definitely dedicated enough to take part in this if the FoL team is entirely shifting. Why are none of them involved?

I know you guys have good intentions, but this feels strangely like a coup, considering the complete lack of discussion on any of it, and it just kinda rubs me the wrong way lol

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I think itā€™s fine as long as the other people who used to be in charge donā€™t revolt

however Iā€™m always opening to revolting here


I agree

But as far as I can tell

They havenā€™t been contacted about this at all

And that is my problem