FoL Feedback Thread

Alchemist should return yes.

But Alchemist shouldn’t return.

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Blue Dragon Support

Time Loop (Night) - Target player will be in whatever state they were in at the end of last night. Any actions done on them last night will be repeated. Cannot be used on dead players and does not undo conversion. (Unlimited)
Temporal Clone (Night) - Whatever action target player used last night will be used again on the same target. Does not consume additional charges if applicable (2 uses)

Note: Repeated actions do not give feedback in the case of investigative actions. Using Time Loop on someone who was bleed the previous day will undo the bleed.

Roleblock is confirmable making it always N1 use

It’s not a Roleblock, it’s a redirect.

and if you use it N1 you literally did nothing

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Redirect is also confirmable

There’s literally zero notifications, you didn’t even look at my idea if you suggested using it N1

Redirect is not confirmable in FoL

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No but the one redirected

further proof you didn’t read my idea

since you are not told who you target at any point

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Chronomancer was changed. I think this debate should be over now.

Wait I thought we were talking about tol nvm

it wasn’t changed?

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Acolyte now exists.

Yes it was. Check the thing. Solic is typing it up right now.

and x = y when

I’m not blind

wtf r u talking about


5 mins ago.