FoL Feedback Thread

(Neut that wincon is opposite of king like in Alice’s sfol)

Like I said a BD neut may as well just be another BD. So there is no point in having one exist at all

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That doesn’t fix it :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

more variability

I’d be fine with this type of anti-king neut since it’s actually p fun.

I don’t really like pretender here though.

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Like… predenter?

Nevermind, just regular unseen/bd/nk then

Let’s have 5 prosent of NK sides king

But actually fun to play with/against


Don’t think it’s possible

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Not but srsl king that has to win with NK

Pretender has the problem where you need to make them useful enough so that they can reasonably get to king, but not useful enough so that they can just open claim and be a super BD-sided neut.

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Pretender is just unfun to play tbh


Also pretender is probably super painful to play as

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And that’s why we aren’t adding them to FoL

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It’s an idea that sounds good and fun to play as but in reality it’s not

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It’s fun in TOL cause it’s turbo but the neutral goal is super unfun to play as

Like the fool

It’s basically alch but harder


Yes I meant that

Solution to reduce swing on pretender

Make it so if the pretender is elected they just win and then they don’t actually become king. King elections stop and no one is king

or something similar to that