FoL Feedback Thread

Normal evils don’t win with both NK, Cult and Unseen at the same time

Sellsword is awesome.

Let’s compare NK win rate with becoming king


Yes they do

Sellsword is the worst neut - and indeed the worst class - in the game.

No they don’t. NK does not win with Unseen/Unseen and Cult/Unseen does not win with NK

Last we checked he had the highest winrate in the game

That will be super unfun

You asked about normal evils

NK is not a normal evil

Normal evils are shit like fool, Scorned, sellsword

What would be? I only stated what actually is not some hypothetical

No. Fool, Scorned and sellsword are all Neutrals.

Normal evils are NK, Unseen and Cult

Having to first become king and then defeat BD

What’s so problematic about that?

High winrate does not a good class make

Overmind would have a high win rate since they win at the start, are they a good class? Fuck no!

That it’s unfun

Good in terms of strength

I strongly disagree

Either replaces Fanatic or something else

The Quisler :shield:

Neutral Special

Urgency (Passive) - Immune to death at night from non-BD sources once.
Corrupt Blood (Passive) - All votes for king on you during a king election will count as two. [Every non-king royal killed by Political Assassination will count as an additional vote for you to become king.] <— Likely to remove

Blood Test (Night) - Determine a player’s faction and their class type. - Infinite Uses
Political Assassination (Night) - Kill target player if they have the Royal Blood passive, or the king. - 2 Uses

Become King and defeat the Blue Dragon at any cost.

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No neuts with becoming king wincon just no

Just call them the pretender damit