FoL Feedback Thread

This is probably too much kp for scum-aligned.
Maybe just make it able to hit king

I want to see a true neutral, not a new scum neut (unless the scum neut replaced another existing scum neut)


@Solic why do you want pretender to be added btw

because hes noob

Wow this blew up, I have to catch up.

  1. It curbs inherent swinginess of starting kingā€™s alignment.
  2. It follows ToL, which is a something we have to be mindful of.
  3. It is not scum-sided by default like Warlock or something.
  4. It works with the king mechanic which is one of the things that makes ToL unique.
  5. I like it and I think it has potential for a lot of incarnations.
  6. All royals are currently in a powerful state, so a counter to royals specifically is also interesting.

Hard no. NK counter in this form.

Itā€™s interesting, I think the Alchemist concept could borrow from this, so we donā€™t lose the ToL flavors for no reason.

A BD-sided neut is also fundamentally different from just another BDā€¦ I donā€™t see how it follows.

Someone who prevents kills is typically BD-sided but not always.

Having more benign neutrals also gives scum-sided neutrals options to claim when they get peeked neutral (which is admittedly niche)

Pretender doesnā€™t really counter royals

We addressed this partially by removing one of the random neutral slots in the latest changes.

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Killing royals is against Pretenderā€™s best interests because it paints a larger target on their back, not really getting rid of competition

It depends on the form that weā€™d make. Iā€™m not directly referencing the ToL Pretender here, but a Pretender that opposes royalty/king/prince in some kind of form. It really depends on the win condition weā€™d give.

Honestly I just want to add Insurgent

> Doesnā€™t know their alignment immediately so they canā€™t open claim.
> Reduces swing of starting king by being opposed to them.

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I agree to something like that, but we are calling it Pretender then lul. Thatā€™s what I was referencing the whole time.

I caught up.

It really doesnā€™t.
It just kills king at some point so I suppose itā€™s anti-swing, but not the good kind.

No because pretender pretends
But insurgent doesnā€™t
Thatā€™s why youā€™re wrong

too confusing for new players


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Hard sarcasm on this