FoL Feedback Thread

The faction of whoever the person suiciding was.

Pretty sure Devil/Fool/Possessor/The Cult Leader/Herbalist are all the classes that can tamper with flips. :thinking:

It does that atm.

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Why would you add such mech info for no reason

Because nosy servants was removed from Maid and one night ability only is boring especially if they get nothing on night 1.

Cause I wanted to know if that apostle who wasn’t in my chat was actually my teammate who just got mod errorred not in my chat or not

wait it’s on maid?



Surprisingly it’s a super weak ability for it to be 2 uses actually

Then don’t add that ability

but not really going to riot tbh

I mean it gets the job done so whatev

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Also can we buff possessor

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He has zero way of bypassing immunity

Well I just wanted to give Exhume to Maid and change the name, but something like this is similar to the power level of Exhume/Scout/Little Bird. Defiled flips are very powerful, but also rare, so it’s niche, but this is excellent if it does detect a defiled flip.

especially if we are adding a hard counter

No they are fun because they add paranoia that the point since you can always make something up using them but adding defile check will ruin that
Also only few classes can do that it kinda ruins point if devil getting cred from his flip or using it otherwise

A Maid is not a confirmable class. You can also fake being Maid and say a flip is tampered with. Maid also does not automatically detect all defiled flips, they have to choose, use a limited resource ability and the results are delayed.

Demon also doesn’t have that. Possessor is supposed to use his social manipulation to get further and not rely on sheer power. What would you suggest to change then?

Allow it voting control like a 2 use change someone’s vote for the rest of the day silently.

It’s just ruins rare ability
Usually it just adds paranoia effect but ppl rarely consider it as something significant so it just another mech confirmability that makes it less interesting