FoL Feedback Thread

Ikr but you don’t need invest ability to check if someone’s flip is legit or no

That confirms a Reaper is in the game though.

maybe demon

It confirms NK’s exist but it takes away a lot of information it’s honestly worth it for the reaper

Also this is huge nerf on devil then

For example

Mental Blur

Confirms illusionist exists but Wipes away information from a persons chat

arguably should be stronger but if the strength is strong enough it’s worth it

Huge is overstated.

Solution is to give it to demon and allow them to choose if they want it to be cleaned or not

See he BURNS the corpses and no one can figure out who they were

Also people rarely take the fake flip possibility seriously due to its rarity and if they don’t then they deserve anything that comes with it
And this just makes that ability useless

I mean previous game begs to differ

Yes it’s the only one and it’s due to possessor writing logs about fake flips and that’s their main power

No it wasn’t, I acfually got people to talk about it before

I think

Wait no I didn’t

In the end almost everyone came to conclusion flips are not fake even tho there was possessor

I’m sad now

I already gave you some limitations it has, but if you just want to hyperbole complain about a change without providing a suitable alternative, then I can’t help you.

Also, just because they know a flip is tampered with, doesn’t mean they know what it was originally. A defile is still at minimum a janitor effect.

would be funny if a defiled assassin who showed as defiled even though they were assassin and would be able to push the angle they were defiled

I don’t care about maids ability I care about there being defile check when there shouldn’t