FoL Feedback Thread


Iā€™m insane

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Very cool

Do not take this thread off-topic please.



If I made this a connection to tol can I keep posting memes

It already can?

No it canā€™t we were lolā€™ng In dead chat when cute kept saying they could


Thank you for your feedback. Handmaiden/Cult Alt will stay for now, unless you have better alternatives.

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Iā€™m most happy about Sellsword existing lol.

Thank you so much for the name change fanatic was bad lul


Also Iā€™m pretty sure handmaiden main ability should be buffed honestly (only finding class type if they match) types is kinda weak


Also another suggestion is to display the class thatā€™s from a Soulcatcher/Ritualist revive as a separate class.

Yes, but howā€¦? It came up. Handmaiden itself is not that weak as it has very high odds at finding NK, which is one of the main uses of an unseen investigative.

Priest is due for an overhaul, so weā€™re not wasting effort on that.

Look how much better of a job the other investigatives do.
Finding class type only if they match is incredibly weak compered to the others.

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The problem is that Nightwatch does a way better job at finding Nk and Strong classes that donā€™t visit.

Handmaiden is in a weird spot where itā€™s incredibly weak but if you buff it it just makes it a better duchess. Easiest solution is to compare aligments as well as class types imo.


Also I ashamed for no one noticing how bad this class was back then

Duchess is bassically marshal lol

Well Tol marshal