FoL Feedback Thread

Also that law doesnt apply here

Make this happen


1f1 isnā€™t BD-sided


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And you posted this because?

Because someone said that it is

So you reposted for visibility coincidentally when I had come on thread

I posted it before you did

But you saw my typing
Since I did see yours

My first comment on it was me saying no to Ici comments about it being BD sided after What I copypasted What I was reffering to

I see

1 for 1 is basically the definition of ā€œBD-sidedā€



In the most basic sense

Lynching scum and losing a member at night is 1 for 1

And that is literally how you win games - making use of that 1 for 1

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To be clear, itā€™s because the standard ratio is around 3 villagers to 1 wolf, and killing 1 wolf for 1 villager means that the ratio will tip slightly in favour of the villagers.


Conversions muck it up a little bit, so an ā€œof Liesā€ 1 for 1 is not as good as a standard one

But itā€™s still good for BD

When I say slightly, of course, I mean VERY

Not really?

Thereā€™s a big difference between, say, 10 vs 3 and 9 vs 2