FoL Feedback Thread

My mission is to get rid of anything that will make orange leave

I will do my best to annihilate fool

Itā€™s not necessarily a fact, itā€™s a presumption and I donā€™t like those personally, so Iā€™d be hypocritical to do them myself.

Orange seems agreeable here that it makes it better

@psychoneirik will fool know if they hid?

Hey this is a good idea tbh

Or, and hear me out here, what about removing Fool?

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Give me an example of when Fool has done nothing but made the game better or more fun and Iā€™ll drop it, but you canā€™t blindly say ā€œFool = Fun ecks-dee!ā€ without actually giving an example of when it has been.

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FoL 2 had fool and was a great life-changing experience for all.

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get out

I literally handed you that win on a silver platter :laughing:


Although I will agree that that was an instance of using Fool strategically, that was almost entirely out of the hands of the Fool player (letā€™s be honest here, you werenā€™t stealing my lynch on your own), and I think we can all agree the game would have been less frustrating for all (except me) had I not been able to push my lynch onto somebody who actually wanted it.

We can just make fool harder

That solves one issue

Still broken

Wich part is broken

Itā€™s the one Iā€™m most vocal about because itā€™s the most visibly obvious problem that nobody can refute

Itā€™s not necessarily the one I care most about

Itā€™s just that you canā€™t defend Fool by claiming ā€œitā€™s hardā€ because it is so obviously and provably false youā€™d be an idiot to even try.

Trying to prove a point about the rest of it leads to responses of ā€œbut I donā€™t feel like it doesā€ on pretty much every point. Never more than feelings, but refuted nonetheless.

Hjasik Iā€™ve sent you personally like three essays on this

And I havenā€™t read any of Them

Make everyone else lose if fool wins then ppl will look more into it

Nah no way would I have been lynched if I wasnt fool.