FoL Feedback Thread

What’s the fool winrate

No, but in all honesty we REALLY don’t need a crutch for bad players, because then the wolves will never get better at all when Foolfaking is a viable strategy.

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It’s lost two games ever

One of which was to a random N1 nightkill

So in the entire history of this site, Fool has not been won through the actions of exactly one Fool player.

I guarantee you the rest aren’t paragons of skill any more than I am.

And how many times was fool rolled ?

Good point

Frankly, our scum suck ass

Fool isn’t helping that either

A lot

You can count if you’d like but I believe it’s over 10

If you’re good at faking fool that’s a skill too

The other one was due to the Fool claiming Prince and not being counterclaimed and thus becoming LoCk ToWn, which was funny but also didn’t actually affect the game until it was over and was incredibly frustrating for the Fool in question.

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A very specific skill that the game should not reward, considering it amounts to playing like a VI

See I didn’t know that

Link me those games for exact number

And let’s be honest, if the only example of Fool ever being entertaining is not because of the Fool playing well but because of the villagers being such complete idiots that they actually managed to evade their own demise you can’t say it’s bad.

Either way why can’t you just nerf class instead of removing card

There doesn’t

But pretending to be scum should never be a way to save yourself from a lynch

That should get you a noose

Indeed that’s why you pretend fool and not scum

Because it’s broken on a fundamental level

Nerfs have clearly not helped

Fool is scum

Fool is neut

Nerf again

Give more punishment to players so they will consider its possibility more and not threw it away due to small punishment for lynching it

“Scum” as in “non-Town”

Claiming Alch was awful, claiming Fool (even implicitly) is no better