FoL Feedback Thread

Especially when I’m not even on the team

At this point you’re literally just attacking me instead of any points I’ve made

So if ppl want to play with fool
You can decide to remove it instead because you have experience in balancing games


But I can try and help you save yourselves

And if you don’t want that

I’m out

End of story

You said that we shouldn’t have a survey on what we want but instead we should decide game changes other way right?


Have a team with a vision.

Allow discussion, not votes.

Why can’t we have votes instead

This is actually a really long and technical psychological topic that is super interesting to talk about

I have to go atm but it boils down to a few things at its core, feel free to do some research on it

  1. People don’t always know what they want until it’s given to them
  2. Game design in particular is a complex series of interleaving mechanisms, so it’s hard for people with less experience to see the full picture
  3. Any artistic medium, including game design, works best with a team with a vision and a plan
  4. Majority attitudes can change, sometimes quite rapidly
  5. The source of players’ feelings towards your game is often not what players tell you it is
  6. Polls for game design enhance nothing, they can only trap the developers into a path they don’t want to take or risk angering the public where just making a change might go over really well. If they were going to do what won anyways, they might as well have just done it.

I’ve seen zero game design polls I can think of actually make anything better, and I’ve seen a lot make things worse. And I’m not even talking about whether I agree with the outcome - I’m talking what they’ve forced developers to adhere to and how they’ve split communities without reason.

Tl;dr Democracy only works when I get what I want


Ok ill stop trolling u (pretty sure hijask is too btw) and admit fool probably should be removed.

Id want a wacky chaotic neutral with an alternate wincon to replace it tho.


I’m down

How about we talk this on discord


How does that change anything lel

Because discord>anything else
and that’s a fact

Id be down for this if its still called fool to honor its legacy of being pretty bad to be put up against

No thanks

The dead should stay dead.

Cant when Priest is still around :thinking:

To be fair, that’s already being addressed

Lets make neut that’s goal is to cause chaos and mess with people

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Let’s not

If more than 50% of ppl dislike the game they win