FoL Feedback Thread

Oh God that’s not good

I’m trying to find a fool solution that doesn’t just mean deleting it since most ppl don’t want that (and Solic is Solic)

Games end d5/d6 a majority of the time

Nope. That’s not it.

It has the same problems as a conversion game does lul

Like I kinda get the logic

Make it harder to win as Fool without letting the Town know for sure what days Fool wins on

But you can’t honestly tell me nobody realized that that basically makes no difference on how Fool or fake Fools play out besides an additional layer of needless WIFOM on a class that is already WIFOM-over-substance


I’d like to counter this by saying that it’s not like Fool’s alignment actually changes on a day-to-day basis.

The class has to play against its future win condition with its current win condition.

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It actually is

Ici shush

No Fire’s absolutely correct on that point too

It was an observation.
It’s almost always going to win as BD

I just find bigger issue with more WIFOM rather than a better role being our “improvement”

So fucking fix that instead of giving it a 50% chance to not win when it wins lul

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i’m trying to convince Solic that setting it down exactly as even Fool / odd Fool was better.

Keep in mind this was a class I made for grand idea

Changing wincons is lul when pushing agenda

Misunderstood you but point stands

I’m trying to delete fool but it’s not fucking working

Honestly, I’m not fully certain if there actually is an argument where that makes sense but I can tell that if we’re going to make Fool harder by giving it a day restriction which days it can do it on need to be public.