FoL Feedback Thread

scorned and devil are different classes

And keep in mind

Eeveeā€™s stance isnā€™t ā€œkeep Foolā€

Itā€™s ā€œrepeal and replaceā€

Real men donā€™t use the Kubler-Ross grief model because itā€™s bloody stupid.

You are technically not incorrect.

The best kind of not incorrect.

you legit just copied it though

change the effect from lynching a fool to this:

If you are lynched, select a player and convert them into The Fool.

what could go wrong?

Scorned/Devil have different wincons but have problems that are similar


you know you should be glad I donā€™t have mod perms

They legit fill the same role in-game

They do the same things to a slightly different wincon

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Everyone should be glad I donā€™t have perms

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If you had mod perms you would instantly add that to the fool classcard right?

I mean 1 focus on lynching specific target ( wich can be converted)
another focuses on being anti-BD by lynvhing them or winning with evils so they dont know their targets from start

I had perms but Xblade was like ā€œnahā€

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rip tl4

You shall be missed


If you are lynched instantly end the game and only you win

Tbf I wouldnā€™t abuse it

I would Talk about abusing it but I wouldnā€™t

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Anti BD that wants to play aggressive and get mislynches
Problem is that scorned only needs to mislynch. ONCE.