FoL Feedback Thread

no ur a noob me and hjas are pros

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Its objectivly unfun

Yours relies on a judgement that doesn’t make sense from my perspective.
Also chill with calling my opinion bad, that’s really not how you argue

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in other news I think Fool is unfun for both sides but I’m more of an advocate for removing it because it’s impossible to be truly balanced without being literally a null factor

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fool is a amazing class

5 fools should be in a game at a time


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because yes

Geyde you do realize that they only disagree cause they find it fun to disagree

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stop revealing our secrets

Probably the best explanation for fool being in the game

amirite @orangeandblack5

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It’s almost like it wears down my perception of what actually is real criticism at times

Don’t get mad at me get mad at them

Strigoi is objectivly unfun youre debating in bad faith And pushing your agenda of getting unfunnes into our ranks since your goal is your goal is to destroy our community by adding spy named strigoi

Crimethink will be punished. Embrace Doublethink. You love Big Brother. War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength. Your thoughts are contrary to the fundamental principles of Ingsoc.

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how about we combine fool, old alch and pretender into a single fun and healthy class.

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For serious though, I know I voted for keeping fool in that poll, but tht was more to meme on orange than anything. Like it has its flaws and it either needs a rework with he same name or get kicked out and replaced with a replacement


ladies and gentlemen, we found the worst reasoning to vote in a referendum since labour voters voting Leave in an attempt to destablise the conservative government

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I know fool is unhealthy on its current state, but to me fool is the class that I have the most fun playing

I can’t roll scum when designing FM