FoL Feedback Thread


Oof, it’s not like I have any sway here. If I can I’ll go change my vote but I dont think it changes anything

I thought rule number 2 was keeping Forum sfw

You miss 100% of the chances you don’t take

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But If u dont ever take shots you never miss :thinking:

but what happened btw

Unless chance takes you So Its not 100%

I said chances not shots


you failed to reach the chance


You failed to fail

What did y’all delete

am i gonna get blacklisted

Nsfw stuff


Geyde says he takes shit from Ici.
Of course it was made fun of. That’s not the problem
Ici asked them to stop.
They kept going.


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we are ded

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Good riddance

Two less votes for Fool

i never voted lol

Person gets shoot

Orange: I will decide if Its bad or Good depending on whether they support fool or no

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Anyone here