FoL Feedback Thread

If only you didn’t strongman my position by saying

When my point was that

it’s like shouting cat when you see a dog.

Because context was me talking with orange about whether devil should be Merged with scorned

and I was correcting your argument and then you strawmanned it

you can argue your case against orange if you say

The reason devil exists is because it adds…while the scorned does a similar but different job adding…

When I said point i wasnt implying reason for it existence

Except your argument is sort of moot if that makes sense? Alright so you should probably argue like something around “Scorned makes people wary of people who death tunnel while devil furthers evil win condition in just lynching BD”

something like that


How it affects others and not just listing it win Condition

That wasnt What I was arguing I was arguing in difference of their wincons

Orange is arguing that the classes serve the same purpose but just have different win conditions when there’s no need to though

Point of adding power And not keeping it mountainous is adding more fun through variety And I think it applies to scorned

@NuclearBurrito I know you have the reply to this

Everyone wants to keep fool
some just think that they dont when they do

More content != More variety.

It needs to bring something new and unique to the table or it may as well be the same thing again.

Also note that variety is not always a positive thing just because it is different

I just pointed out difference
Also no Its point is to Bring fun

That’s actually genuinely not how game design works whatsoever

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So you play game for something other than having fun?

Run a Neutral Chaos Class competition and if there are enough good ones people will be happier letting Fool go in favor of one of them.

I just lost half my braincells reading this thread.



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We already did

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