FoL Feedback Thread


make it a modifed Verison where the neutral can target anyone during the day and order them to target someone during the night


So whats the goal of the captain? Survive?

Screw confirmable survivors

make it an anti town neutral

Second thought doesn’t seem like a good neutral

Don’t we already have the King?

Can confirm, am the NK


Mercenary has been reworked.

The Mercenary

Neutral Support
Failure (Passive) - If your targets both die, you will commit suicide.
Saviour (Day) - If one of your targets is voted for execution today, take their place. - 1 use
Stand Guard (Night) - Prevent non-conversion abilities from targeting one of your targets. In addition, you are death immune this night. - 4 uses
Your objective is to ensure that at least one of your targets remains alive until the end of the game, your targets are [x] and [y].

The Mercenary’s targets will always be convertible Blue Dragon classes, Neutral Killer or starting Cult/Unseen.

Doesnt this prevent barrier And ice ward So there is no way to protect from conversion

That’s intentional.

Why would you be able to prevent conversion protection isnt whole point of it that you can prevent conversion on best targets known

No, because the Mercenary is supposed to keep their targets alive, not to keep their BD targets (if they start as such) alive. Openclaiming Mercenary and your targets will be done at your own peril now.

Should you then make non-conversion related So you could make barrier from CW pass it too

Why, what negative effect could it block if all visits are prevented?


Which is precisely what we don’t want to happen. :smile: Merc targets should be easy to convert.

I mean if you dont want that to happen Why would you prevent barrier

Statistically, it’s much more likely that their target will start as BD, so this is to ensure that they cannot just openclaim and ride out the game without attracting evils to their target.

If as Mercenary, you prioritize having your target be less likely converted, yes you would just not guard in hopes they would be barriered. Except they can be invested if they’re evil (they are not guaranteed BD at start) or can just… be killed or you can be killed too.

But then you can purposly prevent CW barrier On important BD wich ruins point of CW

How is that different from Sellsword being able to prevent that?