FoL Feedback Thread

Yeah that make no sense to me.

It should be 2 on Insanity Passive, not 3

Probably just PGO because that ainā€™t my job

No 3 is correct

So they can hang as kingmaker for 1 day? Like why

AKA the swingiest role you could possibly put into a role madness setup

Wincon is no more than 2
Insanity passive said 3 or more


Thatā€™s why Iā€™m for making Knight guard bleed the attacker instead

@orangeandblack5 notice anything different all of a sudden? :smiley:

Well I do, despite me very very tired.

Putting this on the table.
Remove Hunter since itā€™s fundamentally flawed.


We just established that it isnā€™t

Needs tweeks? Maybe

Actually i have an idea for the Hunter

But quick question

Does FoL hunter still have his retribution?

We do not

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No because itā€™s non-unique


Can I add priest

Up to three town vengefuls kek

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Yeah they do not have it this time

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We havenā€™t removed priest in the first place yet

To deletion I meant

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