FoL Feedback Thread

yeah true.

Is Illusionist going to be reworked?
or just Mystic

mkay sounds cool.

It has the affect of Devout King.
so I want these names in.

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The Mystic :shield:

Blue Dragon Social
Telepathy (Day) - Anonymously send a single 1000 character message through the host to the court. - 2 uses
Conduit (Night) - Your two targets will both be able to send each other two 1000 character messages through the host over the course of the night. You will later be given the entire conversation. - Infinite uses
Link Minds (Night) - You and your target will both be able to send each other two 1000 character messages through the host over the course of the night. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

It’s simmilar to the original Mystic but instead “Conduit” have infinite usage and “Link MInds” have only 2 uses. I wouldn’t say it’s a buff since Mystic already can “Conduit” and at this state at least she would be more viable after knowing all claims D3/D4.


CONDUIT. repeat after me


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The main problems with mystic are still here though.
It’s still super easily confirmable and people know immediately when you are converted.
I really despise royal announcement as an ability

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Haha! This birdbrain doesn’t even know what a conductor is!


There is other problem. She’s isn’t either fun to play or useful for BD. And ranting about confirmability is like complaining about being converted as Butler into Assassin. I wouldn’t say it’s an issue. (Unless you want to do somethin’ with Illusionist)

Speak for yourself, peckneck. :roll_eyes:

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

I don’t disagree - she isn’t fun at all.
And confirmability is the biggest problem with FOL right now, 90% of people are complaining about it.

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FoL is different from ToL in that an insight is highly more valuable than a succesful action so I can see how confirmability is a problem.


That’s how it should be

Not necessarily how it is

Successful actions are still very strong and you can really just POE the game away

Mystic :shield:

Blue Dragon Social
Passive: Psychic network - Anyone in the psychic network can talk to each other. You are always in the psychic network. This passive is always transferred if your class changes

Day Ability: Telepathy - Send an anonymous message to everyone (2 uses)

Night Ability: Link Minds - Add target player to the psychic network. If they are already in the psychic network remove them instead (Unlimited. 1 day cooldown)

Cult points - 2

Illusionist :shield:

Unseen Social
Passive: Psychic network - Anyone in the psychic network can talk to each other. You are always in the psychic network. This passive is always transferred if your class changes

Day Ability: Telepathy - Send an anonymous message to everyone (2 uses)

Night Ability 1: Link Minds - Add target player to the psychic network. If they are already in the psychic network remove them instead (Unlimited. 1 day cooldown)
Night Ability 2: Mind Warp - Target player receives incorrect feedback from their ability’s (Unlimited)

Marl, mystic is always gonna be confirmable. It’s a social class and is nearly impossible to make fun and useful if it isn’t confirmable.


Other classes like Maid butler and observer shouldn’t be confirmable though. That’s the problem here.

As to “buffing mystic is bad cuz it buffs BD” that’s kinda stupid. FoL needs a major major fucking rework and 1 random social class isn’t gonna effect much when BD wins everytime anyway.

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Rework FoL to give scum some actual claim space and add nukes mystic. I don’t really like the 1 day cooldown on it tho.

I feel like the entire dynamic of
“Use Royal Announcement right now or we hang you”
is absolutely trash

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Yeah royal announcement could go, but mystic is always gonna be a confirmable class which were gonna have to accept.

What about something like this?

The Mystic :shield:

Blue Dragon Social
Shatter Link (Day) - Remove a player from your Psychic Network. - unlimited uses.
Psychic Network (Night) - Add a player to your psychic neighborhood, allowing all members to speak freely during the night phase. This neighborhood will persist until you die, even if your class changes. - unlimited uses, 1 night cooldown.


It also opens up a slot for another night ability if we can come up with something clever

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