FoL Feedback Thread

ironically this rule is so absolute that you can be almost certain that if someobdy says that their favourite allignment is village that they’re good at the game

I thought it was some kind of you-are-favoring-scum-because-you-like-to-be-scum kind of argument
But honestly I can’t see the point on this entire discussion?

Move the discussion.




I have come to announce Fool 2.

The class is just the fool with a new name and has the NK wincon

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FoL 20, no?

…so I’m bad?

a :b: s o l u t e l y

My favourite alignment is NE.

SFoL48 as well.

SFoL47 was a clusterfuck and BD won despite mislynching nonstop because of the sheer amount of mechanically confirmable classes that rolled.


Ok I didn’t knew the code messed up with emojis
That’s great
:zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz:


Fuck that priest class.

Also Mystic and Priest rolling together.

Just the fact that a Mystic and Priest rolled together means that those two with the Prince make up 3 mech-confirmed BD.

And Pull Rank confirming a player as a social class.

Also PoF redirecting Telepathy, which made up a fourth mech-confirmed BD.

This basically meant that PoE-wise the last players were you and Soul.

The sheer amount of auto-town classes in that match made the game unwinnable to the wolves.

The fact that the NK effectively suicided n1 didn’t help at all.

Well, your favourite alignment is Town and you’re terrible at the game.
So i’m not about this rule, chief.

you’re allowed to like wolf and be good at the game, but statistics show that good players predominately prefer village

anyway, topics exist remember

oh Tw1. I’m actually good at the game now, so shut your mouth.

Yea sure buddy.

I hate to brag, but I regularly get 2/3rds of the wolfteam early in the game, so if you want to say I’m bad at the game you’re going to have to try harder than that.