FoL Feedback Thread

Poor king can’t catch a break and neither can I with 9 king variants, because they roll so frequently.

Head of State (Passive) - Your vote counts as two if there are more than 5 players alive except during Grand Trial. Immune to occupation and redirection.
Grand Trial (Day) - Instantly put a player on trial for treason lasting up to 24 hours possibly extending day. They may provide a defense within 12 hours, and then the players alive may either vote to execute or pardon. If a majority of players vote to execute, the day will end and the player on trial will be lynched. Otherwise, the day will continue as normal. - 1 use

Clarified description and eliminated grand trial doublevote. We haven’t even added Pretender yet, poor King. ^^


Will these changes be in efol?

Yes. Changes made before rolling make it into FoL’s.


Cult Leader doesn’t need Disguise.

I don’t know what to replace it with but it really doesn’t need it.


With the proposed EFoL changes, I’m definitely inclined to agree


The EFoL changes basically give scum a n0 convert
That’s crazy busted

Eh, I kind of wanted a d1 lynch. Wouldn’t make sense to have a d1 lynch and only 2 groupscum+1 NK.

I think it’s fine.
If scum get caught in d1/d2 then that’s kind of their fault (although god-tier ability usage could make that more frequent)
They have a lot of firepower.

I would rather not have a D1 lynch and leave it to be like tol.



no u


Honestly kinda same if only because easier to draw in newer players

There’s a slight problem keeping it as is.
Mainly that even before making the changes seen in EFoL 3, the game was scumsided.

Of course just accepting the inherently scumsided nature of FoL might be necessary.

That’s not how we balance things Geyde

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Like Eevee once said

When you are an audio engineer or whatever it’s called, when something is louder then the other noises, you don’t turn the other noises up to compensate for this you turn the loud sound down

D1 lynches are actually incredibly scum sided

it’s even more scum sided if a scum is lynched d1


Town loses more games when scum is lynched d1