FoL Feedback Thread

I think also a big problem to FOL is king as it’s so swingy ;/ but king is a big part of tol

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In what way and how?

Same question I suppose.

Alchemist wincondition is more difficult then NKs, also heavly BD sided when you have 4 neutrals that are randomly evil sided.

King is random and just gives a big advantage to evils if it’s on that faction, a extra vote/faction member is pretty powerful.

I just think theirs a lot of unbalance in these factors Fol is hard to balance especially king


It’s not even really BD-sided as they need killers alive for their win condition and it’s good to stay hidden or they wouldn’t be prioritized for an attack by evils. (Their passive counts towards their win condition) If you’re just playing like another BD, you are going to lose as this Alchemist.

If you can present the alternative and state why it’s better we can have more to talk about.

Also alch depends much on if cult or unseen rolls

So saving people 3 times isn’t more bd sided?

yes it requires killers to be around but it also requires saving people 3 times which is objectively hard considering you aren’t allowed to heal bleeds.

Lol alch in cult games


Yeah Alch is riddiculously hard, and you are both BD and scum sided, because 1. you need the killers alive, 2. you need the game keep going as long as possible… there is just no way to win with this class :eyes:

These kinds of unbalance (random GK/EK, random BD classes, random bd/scum sided neuts) is a part of FoL, and you can’t really fix it without changing the game heavily… and then it’s not longer FoL.
This kind of unbalance is not a flaw, it’s a feature ^^

This (and all other sources of prevention) should be changed. Either make it an occupation or completely scrap it into another ability.

ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :-1:


Why in particular do you dislike this

Just because we are keeping some tol stuff doesn’t mean we are changing that

I disagreed with that change fron tol

Why do you like it

They dislike it because they changed it in tol

I just woke up



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No, but because it’s inconsistent in FoL. You have some occupation rules, and some prevention rules, and they don’t match with each other. They are contradicting each other.

How are they contradicting each other?