FoL Feedback Thread

I’m offended by you closing that thread

Also how about actor as a class

Hamilton is about to start
I’ll look at it afterward

Throw in the old patch notes or no balls


Guys, this is not #off-topic , thank you.

I’m comfortable to continue saying that the point has been made and as far as readers of this thread are concerned that has not yet been violated


At some point the constant “don’t be off-topic” to deleted posts is just insulting.

I fully expect this post will be deleted and that’s fine, but just delete the completely unnecessary reminders of a rule that was never visibly broken or leave the posts there before pulling it back on track.


It is insulting to continue to put off topic posts here after being repeatedly called to order already. The reminders are clearly necessary, because it happens frequently. It’s really not that difficult to stay at least related to the topic and if you feel “insulted”, maybe you should just respect the rules.

If you have a problem with this, you can contact us privately.

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OR… just don’t break the rules :woman_shrugging:

hey guys don’t be so off topic xD

oh yeah @solic are you going to post the fol revision history in that new topic geyde created? or are you just going to wait for next time


Wait for the next time. If someone wants to compile it all, I’d copy paste it in, but I don’t see a huge benefit to doing it, so I’m not going to do it.

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You know, eventually all the saying to not be off topic is itself going to be off topic.

Anyways it seem easy enough to just copy and paste the notes in this thread there. I could probably find which posts have the notes if that’s what you mean by compile?


Can you not tell the mods how to do their work, please? Thanks.

I’m not really seeing a huge benefit in copying the history of this thread, but if you want, you can do it.

I’m not? He said he’d copy and paste it in if someone compiles it. I offered to do so and asked to confirm what he meant by compile. What’s the problem here?

she’s telling you to not tell them if they’re off topic or not and what to do/not to do because they’re mods xD

There’s an issue with the Mystic, it cannot be run by a non-mod host…

Why not? You just create dms with other people?

It can be worked similar to how Alice worked Emperor IC in their game, where the host creates different night chats as relevant, and can just tell players to not post in the chat after the night is over

You have to remove the conduit partners before you are adding the Mystic, or else you are hardconfirming the Mystic, especially when he’s not outted yet.

ahhh I see what ur saying, you cant remove people from chats, I guess u could enforce removing themselves but thats heavily time zone dependent and could give Mystic info way to slow

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This can be worked around similar to how Alice handled the Emperor chat readers (copy paste all messages at EoN and denote who posted them).
A bit trying on the host though.

I’ll look for a better workaround