FoL Feedback Thread

Wait just use quick topic guys

thatā€™s how we fix the mystic conduit problem lmao

The mystic uses the mystic as their nickname and cannot talk at all

The other players use their own name for their nickname and then talk to each other

What is quicktopic

Itā€™s a message service.

Also donā€™t feel bad about that. :slight_smile:

Yeah I read Pristessā€™s complaint and was like

ā€œaight quicktopic timeā€

Might even be good to allow the two to remain anonymous to each other

Also @anon97870008 thatā€™s not how co-hosting works

Either there is one host

Or there are several co-hosts

Sure you could give some of the co-hosts less power but then they probably wouldnā€™t be co-hosts at all (see players with no power who volunteer to give VCs)

Being a ā€œco-ā€ something in no way implies less power than the full thing, just that the role is shared. Thereā€™s no reason to act like you ā€œdonā€™t do co-hostsā€ when thatā€™s literally exactly what youā€™re doing when you take on a second host :stuck_out_tongue:

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Idk, I assumed it was this way because of what I saw how people used it. Iā€™m not into FM terminology ^^

Itā€™s like being a Co-Chair or something

Power is just shared, in no way does the ā€œco-ā€ label restrict how that split is made


aka itā€™s not used in any way in FM it isnā€™t also used for elsewhere

The Herbalist

Unseen Offensive
Converted from the Physician.
Pseudocide (Night) - Fake the death of one of your fellow Unseen, healing them this night and causing them to appear as selected BD class to investigations. - 2 uses

Can someone explain this ability to me?
You choose a fellow Unseen and a BD class. You are healing them tonight and tailor them as this class. But what is ā€œfaking the deathā€?

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ā€¦I think the ā€˜faking deathā€™ part is just flavor? I canā€™t imagine an ability that ā€˜fake-killsā€™ someone would be balanced. Imagine a fake flip when the person is actually alive.


It heals them and makes them appear BD to investigators

What is so hard about this

Itā€™s probably this part. I agree itā€™s a little confusing, but I interpret it as flavor and not a mechanic.

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yes that is flavour

The Sage

Unseen Offensive
Dark Rune (Day) - Choose a player. If that player uses an ability today they will target themselves with it. - 2 uses
Shock (Night) - The target player will be target themselves with their ability tonight. - Infinite uses

I wonder if these go through redirection immunity?

I donā€™t think so, since nothing states that it bypasses occ/redirection immunity, but who knows :woman_shrugging:

The wording is different than this:

Debauchery (Night) - Force a player to target a second of your choice.

Hence my question

Sage Shock is a Debauch which forces the player to themselves I guess.