FoL Feedback Thread

Or just do chats via PMs

That would take too long between the host as he they would need to go backwards and forwards in their class pms. As well as that, if they kept on using their pm, there is a limit of 500 messages.

Also, pretty sure they do not want to be revealed as a Mystic if your suggesting a pm chat :thonk:

It could be quite nightmare having MM or CL on your side, knowing who they should convert unless they know how to NOT attract attention from the Mystic.

At the same time, itā€™s a game about deciet. The Mystic needs to be careful not to give their identity away after all as Cult and Unseen can make good use of them

Mystic chat reveals the identity of those in it lol

Or at least I thought it did last time we ran it

Huh maybe youā€™re right

Well I suppose the neighborhood would kinda have to reveal identities, unless you wanted the Mystic to make an alt or something

It was never announced. Link minds was always anonymous :neutral_face:

Thatā€™s why the suggestion of QT might be better if that was a new feature to have been introduced. Means no angleshooting as such (though it does show a timestamp so we might need to think of something better rather than relying on constant messaging the hosts) and the mystic will still be revealed as mystic, while the other two neighbours are the only ones that know, though have to keep their forum names.

Or just get a alt called mystic.

And keep changing the password.

You canā€™t change passwords I think though

You can.

Thereā€™s a password reset thing

I know, just checked it.

However once again, the issue is the posting restriction. If it was possible somehow to make dms have a few more messages than 500 before being locked, then that would be good. However, angleshooting still exists. Anyone can just click on the timestamp and see at precisely when the message was sent and then run it through google to see the potential timezones to simulate who the mystic could be.

I never knew I could do that thanks

It was told before in the discord and in other games :neutral_face:

It was even in the Person to get the 2000th post gets the cookie thread as well. I think Jammy pointed that out.

Expecting me to pay attention

Youā€™re the one that spams in there a lot so you should have seen it :smirk_cat:

Anyways, this is heading off-topic. The main point is no matter what we try doing with the mystic, the issue of angle shooting still exists. Unless there can be a way to remove timestamps just for fm games where the mods can access it and switch them off when the game starts and switch them on when the game ends, then the issue is gone. That would be ideal for all games.

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Also, if the Mystic chat was in the discord, then there is a slight issue as if the Mystic is used in another country for example if the mods kept changing the password, you would have to wait for a mod confirmation for you to being able to sign in cuz of the massive change in ip address. That would just be a hassle for them

I have a 1000 message DM. So thatd not be too much

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Does the limit actually exist?