FoL Feedback Thread

So… how should be balance FoL then… for the good players, for the bad players, or for an average?

Just dont balance

There’s a limit of reasonability.

Because right now FoL seems a lot like random voting and random trying to read people wrongly, and that feels awful for me personally. But I guess that’s standard so with FM?

Balance based on average.

There’s really a key difference in good and bad here. They are separated by amount of effort they put in.

If we balance for the bad then they don’t need to put that much effort in and they will never improve.

Players don’t know how to read here so it’s basically worse then rng


Solution is to turn fol into mountainous

If the evils try to actually win, BD has almost no chance.
Change my mind.

Well yes, but actually no
If random voting was a standard metric for play, there would be no Mafia Championships

As the website’s best read maker I can say that FK is scum

If I talk anymore about this subject I’m going to go into a full rant about the amount of effort people in and the least amount of effort they should put in so I won’t


I mean, this is an important part of balancing :wink:

Evils try to win because all people arent banned for gamethrowing

BD claps back by making educated, thoughtful decisions.
Also NK exacerbates imbalance

Counterpoint: I put in effort and I’m still really bad :eyes:

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Not enough effort

WAIT… we are talking about BD, right?

It took me around two months of putting effoet in it I remember correctly how long it took

I don’t even know if that’s correct, I feel like my memory of how it was before was vastly warped from what it actually was because of how emotional I was then

BD has almost no chance if they don’t try while scum tries.
BD trying has a sizeable chance of working if players tried to play with intentionality.

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