FoL Feedback Thread

But isn’t Prince the real town arsonist?

nah hes the jailer

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No prince is jailor

Arsonist = marking people and then killing all of them in 1 night

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OH then it’s a kind of Sorcerer

I mean it’s for town and sorc got purged

Yes sorc is based on the arsonist stereotype in mafia games

But why has FoL then the abilities of a Sorc… on BD side? I’m confused.

Because we felt it filled a niche of a vig that has way stronger vigging abilities and no guilt but is also riskier in the hands of somebody with bad reads.

It’s an Arsonist
It can quickly clean through PoE

Isn’t it also making the game faster? I mean, doesn’t it make the problem worse that fol matches are so short in days here?

Archer realistically only gets off 1-2 shots at max
It’s about as swingy as Knight

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Not really - because the existence of the Archer makes “bd killer” more often rolled, by statistic. Because rn we have the same spawn rate for every bd class.

That’s not really a problem

As for what it does on a macro, it increases the likelihood of BD killer being rolled
With archer, BD kp is about 1.4 whereas Unseen is 1.5

Ironically, it creates anti-swing by balancing out averages

Is it not a problem that FoL matches end with D3 or latest on D4 by autoresolve? Leaving the NK no chance to win, because NKs need the endgame?

That’s because KP on all sides is waaaay too high for a 16p
Counting NK, kp per cycle is 3.5

Ehm, why do ToL matches then go til D6-D10 instead?
(other than “auto-resolve”)

Because they make the -EV play of not lynching every day.