FoL Feedback Thread

The issue here is that lynching correctly/mislynching makes the game way too swingy. So this is why I’d rather swap the NK for a 3rd Unseen/Cult as this would reduce the KP but make it less of a blow if one of them got correctly lynched.


we could nerf Unseen if they are more swingy than cult.

Considering Unseen can kill everynight (Hell, two people one night)

plus NK, and myslynch.

you just said we make reads and stuff

With your logic that meant we are playing worse

I’d honestly swap 2-for-1 with Frenzy rn.

This makes Prince outing more risky but at the same time reducing the overall KP from Assassins.


Honestly same

Cause yeah, Unseen games look more volatile atm then cult games tbh

I think Cult games are decently balanced. Unseen games have way too much KP and if there’s an early correct lynch than it sets back their faction tremendously.


Good joke

I wholeheartedly agree

the only time Cult games can be swingy as Unseen is if they start acolyte, cause that KP

Considering how LotR FM went

yeah, they are lul.

You know how in TOL classes being rolled are affected by the classes that were previously rolled

For example if king is evil there’s a higher chance of a good neutral, things like that.

How hard would it be to make something like a generator of classes but are balanced around changing the chances of certain classes spawning due to certain classes being rolled

@NuclearBurrito do you know how to do that

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Scum kp / town kp are actually pretty even without buffs
I’m talking BD / Unseen games

It’s 1.4 for bd and 1.5 for unseen

that’s expection

LotR was more the village playing terribly than scum playing well.

If you want a game where scum played extremely well, check out MU’s Anni 2019.


That was also a mash, mashes are a lot easier to control rather then normal threads due to the sheer amount of things happening blocking out certain villagers voices

Think about it like this:

If scum gain an additional starting member, that’s effectively a n0 convert

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Something I want to try out is to add in a third starting Unseen/Cult and rather than rand the King for it to be elected d1.

Basically, if it’s an EK, then the main Unseen/Cult will start at a disadvantage, if it’s a GK, then the main Unseen/Cult will start at an advantage.


Im for the removal of 241 tbh

or a cooldown where assassin cant kill after using 241 for a night.

How is that an disadvantage, evil king is huge

“main Unseen/Cult”

Evil King is still in the unseen, that evil king is huge for them.