FoL Feedback Thread

Depends on which type of cancer for me tbh

No its not

you can ask my dead aunt that.

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There’s a cancer that’s fun?

Not that type of it

Cancer needs to be removed

thats why i was for Fool being removed

it was a cancer to good play.

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A n1 no-kill could mean a lot of things.

  • Assassin was jailed.
  • Cult game.
  • Butler occ’d Assassin.
  • Assassin hit jailed target.
  • GK exists and Assassin hit guarded target.
  • Assassin hit healed target.
  • Assassin hit an immune neut/was redirected to their MM.


the amount of protectives or prevents is fucking disgusting tbh.

Another idea to stop chain-occ’ing the killer would be to make the nightkill and bleed factional and rather than starting out with a killer for the Unseen to begin with MM+random convert.

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that’s too far over the line Alice


This would also nerf the Prince by a lot as if there are more than 2 Unseen/Cultists alive then they won’t be able to block the kill by jailing the killer.

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Like, the way FoL is right now it needs very drastic changes for it to be mechanically balance and to reduce swing.

i arguably feel like we opened pandoras box by discussing a removal NK`s ngl

I actually agree with that

We can nerf KP across the board for both BD and Unseen.

Yeah, but this isn’t how about we go about it. An different idea is to make assassin have abilities that make it more consistent at killing,

BD’s KP is swingy, though.

Knights misfiring mean 2 BD dead.
Princes/Archers need to correctly shoot targets or they end up losing their KP.


How the fuck is this game swingy when there is like 10 protectives and occupiers in a single game

that makes no sense, cause you will stop a kill eventually.

next game:zero protectives or occupiers literally just investigatives and social classes

Make it so Knight just kills themself, not both himself and target, easy.

Thats fine, cause your punished for fucking up.

that’s how