FoL Feedback Thread

Peasant is Prince but worse

whoā€™s your drug dealer

Itā€™s best of both worlds though

you are basically a VT till you change into a dead non unique BD class

I dont see a problem with it


Yeah and I wasnā€™t talking about squire

Canā€™t imprison
Canā€™t occupy
Canā€™t protect
Canā€™t execute

Exactly Prince but worse

also you arenā€™t VT at all

you have an ability to transform into another class

Therefore not a VT

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Iā€™d comment but this isnā€™t my field


Jesus FK

Picky I see

Iā€™m not for a VT

But Squire is the closest to one

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thoughts on adding Squire back as a non unique BD without a BP

Whatā€™s BP
and, could you post the Squire, I donā€™t have it on the screen rn

BP = bulletproof, basically 1-shot death immunity

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Iā€™m on my phone Atm, but Iā€™ll get it

Name: Squire

Night Ability 1: Train
Take the class of a deceased Blue Dragon player(Not any unique Classes or another Squire) from the graveyard - Infinite Uses

Passive: Unskilled
Before you train, killers will not kill you, as you are not a threat to them

That, but without BP

BP = bulletproof vest
In FoL, this would be ā€œYou are immune to death onceā€

Old version:

The Squire (Unofficial Class) :shield:

Blue Dragon Support
Sharp Wits (Passive) - The first time you are attacked, you will survive it.
Train (Night) - Become the non-unique class of a target deceased Blue Dragon player. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

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IIRC Priest + Squire was merged to the current Priest

time to nerf Priest then :^)

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Why remove NK when we can Remove Priest :^)

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Why remove Priest when we can remove protectives :^)